Tight Lips Sink Ships: Film Series

Introduction Photos Sarah Roberts Read Time 1 minute Posted Presented By This collaborative film series between Modern Huntsman and Sarah Roberts is an extension of the story, “Tight Lips Sink Ships,” published in Volume Nine. In this four-part film...

The Hand That Feeds

Interview Photos Rob Green Read Time 20 minutes Posted Eli Hampson squeezes into the culvert trap. The grizzly next to him is sedated now, and her body rises and falls with slow breaths. Her nostrils flare and make a noise that lands somewhere between a snore and a...

Women of the West featuring Lydia Smith

Interview Photos Lydia Smith Read Time 8 minutes Posted A childhood spent outdoors in Southeast Idaho served as the catalyst for the winding and adventurous path Lydia Smith pursues today. But the 24-year-old hunter, guide and artist charted and broke the trail...

Paradise Lost

Interview Photos David Chancellor Read Time 8 minutes Posted We have so much to learn from those who have spent their entire lives maintaining a fragile equilibrium with the wildlife with which they share the few remaining, truly wild, spaces. Here, no ecologist has...

To Have a Hero

Interview Photos Mike Borchard Read Time 13 minutes Posted This series pursues the idea that food is more interesting when it has a story of its own. Even in a world of rapid urban expansion and deliver-to-your-door technologies, it’s still possible to pursue a life...

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