Volume Nine Digital

Volume Nine Digital


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Presenting Volume Nine

In this new edition, you’ll notice one major thing; we’ve done away with themed issues. Moving forward, we’ll have a number of recurring thematic sections of the book. One we’ve launched this issue is The Literary Huntsman, which will provide insightful takes on notable literature from the outdoor world, providing our readers with a book club of sorts.

Our cover story is about Tommy Sandal, the last full time hunter in Svalbard, Norway, and the lengths he goes to live a life in balance with nature. We’ve published the first international excerpt from our Editorial Director Chris Dombrowski’s new book, The River You Touch, which is the follow up to his highly acclaimed memoir Body of Water. Katie Marchetti Hutton continued her Women of the West series with portrayals of women pursuing lives worth living, and our Design Director Elias Carlson put his pen and lens to work relaying the mystical experience he had on his first caribou hunt in Alaska. There are stories on the unintended conservation benefits of trophy shark fishing in the UK, conflicts between grizzly bears and humans, the sanctity of Hawaiian pigs, the controversy around hunting mountain lions, and our friend Jillian Lukiwski reprises her role as poet and will make you cry with her story about a good bird dog gone too soon. Plus much more.

Cover photo by Sverre Chr. Jarild

  • 208 digital pages
  • New digital book experience
  • Accessible via computer, tablet and phone
  • Instant access via new Membership Portal

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